Materials for Teachers

Find poems for kids and teens, lesson plans, essays, and more.

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Since Robert Frost encouraged our founder Marie Bullock to “get poetry into the high schools” in the 1960s, we’ve been assisting teachers in bringing poetry into the classroom. Here, you’ll find poetry lesson plans, poems for kids and for teens, essays about teaching, a calendar of teaching resources for the school year, a glossary of poetry terms, and more. Our lesson plans, most of which are aligned with the Common Core, have been reviewed by our Educator in Residence with an eye toward developing skills of perception and imagination.

Read more about Teach This Poem’s impact.

Lesson Plans by Theme

Find poetry lesson plans organized by theme, occasion, and class subject, including lesson plans featuring poems about social justice, the environment, and many other topics.

Dear Poet 2024

Every National Poetry Month we present Dear Poet, a multimedia education project that invites you

Lesson Plans for Hispanic Heritage Month

To celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month in September and October—and all year long—browse t

School: Poems for Kids

Read a selection of poems about school, learning, and the classroom by poets like Catherine Barnett, Eamon Grennan, Brenda Hillman, and more.

Lesson Plans for Introducing Poetry

Bring poems into the classroom with these lesson plans, which are especially suited to introducin

Autumn: Poems for Kids

The following poems are about the autumn season by poets like Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, Brenda Hillman, Edward Hirsch, Amy Lowell, and more.

Lesson Plans

Teach This Poem: “American Sonnet for the New Year” by Terrance Hayes

As teachers across the country embark on a new school year, we share a lesson developed by poet and educator Javan Howard, who le

Teach This Poem: “Time-Lapse Video of Trans Woman Collapsing Inward Like a Dying Star” by Joshua Jennifer Espinoza

Teach This Poem: “Taurus Sun, Cancer Moon, Scorpio Rising” by Paul Tran

Teach This Poem: “The Moving Truck Poem” by Andru Defeye

A Teacher’s Guide to Teach This Poem

Join Education Ambassador Richard Blanco and Educator in Residence Dr. Madeleine Holzer in this brief video guide to learn about Teach this Poem, which uses primary sources from the Library of Congress to aid educators in teaching poetry.

Dear Poet 2024 cover image

Dear Poet

Every National Poetry Month we present Dear Poet, a multimedia education project that invites young people in grades five through twelve to write letters in response to poems written and read by award-winning poets.

The submission period for Dear Poet 2024 was from January 11 to April 22, 2024.